1. Have you, or has anyone you know, ever suffered from RSI or SAD?
My sister had RSI. She is librarian and documentalist and always is working with her hands in repetitive motions.
Her doctor detected her RSI two years ago. She needed a few weeks rest and recovery with a physiotherapist.
2. Do you make sure that you sit and type correctly when you use a computer or typewriter? Do you ever have pains in any parts of your body from using the computer for long periods of time?
I don’t know. I didn’t have pains using the computer for long periods of time.
Only when I was ending my career in the last year of studies I was using a computer every day 12 hours at least. I slept less than 4 hours per day. Then I didn’t feel pains in any parts of my body except my eyes. I was tired except the weekend. There was like dry, looked fuzzy and I had some headaches. So much time working.
3. What advice would you give to someone who has just bought a computer to prevent problems like RSI and aches and pains in the back, shoulders and arms? Write five suggestions. Read the suggestions of your classmates and vote for the best five.
1. Stretch your arms and bend your wrist up an down, then rotates your wrists and finally straight you hands.
2. Touch your left shoulder with your right arm, then touch your right shoulder with your left arm and repeat slowly twice.
3. Bend from the hip and touch your toes, seeing your foods wake up slowly your head and strain your body raising your arms over your head. Then relax you slowly.
4. Walk for 5 minutes wile you going to find a coffee to coffee machines.
5. For 30 seconds see your window and relax the eyes.
4. Do you think the exercises described in READING are very useful and effective?
Yes, they do.
5. Do you do any exercises during or after working at a desk for a long period of time? Describe two.
Yes, during working when I’m typing for a long time I stretch my arms and give one of my hands with the other and stretch with strain, then I give up my hands and bend it slowly.
Then in the break, at afternoon, I walk for 20 minutes around the streets next to my building.