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PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:27 pm
by oriol
OXFAM is a international organization to help poor people around the world. It's a confederation to 14 ONGs who work together and with a local partners. The OXFAM mission is to end the poverty, and to aid the poor people to improve their lives themselves. OXFAM believes that respect humans rights will help lift people out of poverty.
I think It funds with public and particular money aids, and with popular activities, for example OXFAM trailwalker. Teams of four have to walk – or run – the 100 kilometer course in a limited time. There are OXFAM trailwalker in 10 countries: Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Japan, New Zeland, Canada, Honkong.
I don't know how to raise money. I think the taxes are the best idea that it has been invented, but It isn't very popular.