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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 11:12 am
by Roser
• Who does the charity hope to help?
Thousands of people are starving on the world and OXFAM, one of the more known charity international associations, fights against this situation and to help overcome poverty and injustice.
• What countries does the charity work in?
Oxfam International is a confederation of fourteen organisations working together with three thousand more local organisations in more than thousand countries.
• How does the charity raise money?
OXFAM works to raise money from a lot of different ways. At present, for example with a “Trailwalker”, one solidary gesture to overcome the poverty and the injustice. Each team hopes to raise one thousand five hundred Euros.
• Can you find any unusual fundraising or sponsorship activities?
No in this moment, but when I was a child it was very common in my school to raise money to Domund to help the catholic missions, and all the students were raising money each year.