

Postby jdg » Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:31 pm

1.- Foreign languages at school.

I think japanese should be included as subject of this school. Principal reason is that the country - Japan -is a very powerful country and his economy is very strong. Japanese is the most useful of these languages to be learn.
Spanish is more easy to learn individually; the same happens with Esperanto, and this last one isn´t very useful. Arabic is very difficult to learn and latin is useful but it´s not practical.

2.-Dissapearing languages.

The government of Lep must give publicity to Toggle language through the T.V., films in toggle language subtitled in lepese, etc. Togglese shouldn´t be allowed to die.

3.-In your country.

In Spain there are a lot of minority languages: Catalan, Basque and Galician are the most strong. These three minority languages are very protected in their own regions. Today is a problem coexistence between Castilian - official language- and Catalan. It´s a political problem. Basque is a very difficult language; the problem is smaller.

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