Blue Jeans .Brand names.

Blue Jeans .Brand names.

Postby rgpino » Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:03 pm

Claude Lévi-Strauss was who started Levi Strauss Company.

Actors Marlon Brando and James Dean made blue jeans fashionable by wearing them in a movies, making jeans to became part of the image of teenage rebelliousness.

In 1960s and 1970s levi´s becamea fundamental part of the youths culture focused in civil rights and antiwar protests.

Today Nike produces all kind of sportwears like snakers, tracksuits, t-shirts and many more.

I think that Nike Fun Police is a TV advertissements serie with popular NBA players but I'm not sure.

Ray-ban sunglasses manufacturer was founded in 1937 by Bausch & Lombs.

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