Films and me

Films and me

Postby Andres Rodriguez » Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:05 pm

Do you go to the cinema very often?
It has been a long time since i went to the cinema at last. I really enjoy as pastime Is the cinema a popular pastime for me but sadly in my country it is some expensive. Watching movies on internet is something new for many peolple who I know but Ithing that is an excellent idea is everyone make balnace between go to the cinema, watch a movie on tv or on internet, they are three pastime with different experiences that we can enjoy. Going cinema has been a new habits learning for many peopleI had learnt silencing my mobile, as good habit for enjoy a good movie
Andres Rodriguez

Re: Films and me

Postby Admin » Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:36 am

Thanks for your message Andres. Sometimes I think that the cinemas will disappear. Here in Spain they are almost empty. Young people don't go. And it is possible that many cinemas will close now, because of the virus... it's sad, I liked going to the cinema :)
See you,
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