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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:30 pm
by Juan
I don't like remakes, in fact I don't usually see it, but not always, sometimes, but seldom, the new film is better than the original and if it has a good reviews a I try to see it. An example is True Grit, the Cohen Brother´s film that I think is better than the movie with John Wayne that it has not aged well, although the new film is not a remake, is based in the same book, but de Cohen Brtoters said that they have not seen the other film.

Like i said before I don't see remakes but this is not an attitud, that happen is that the reviews are usually not bads, are terribles, some examples, Psyco, The apes planet, The pink panther or Sabrina.

Re: Remakes

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 1:45 pm
by Mercè
I watched The apes planet remake, and I liked it. I think it is better than the original. It is more entertaining, faster than the original, and the special effects are amazing. Did you watch the same film than me?;)