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PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2019 7:28 pm
by Xavier
I don't love so much Remakes. I'm not a young film lover. I consider myself as a film buff person, and I watched a lot of films in a long period of my life, specially from silent movies until the golden age of Hollywood and the modern boom of author movies between 70's and 90's. After that I feel disconnected a little bit of cinema production... In the new millenium the industry starts to put remakes and serial stories on the big screen I started to feel a little bit boring. The last remake that I saw was "A Star Is Born" with Lady Gaga. Maybe It was good to make a quick buck. Maybe it's nice for the young people that never saw the original version of tirthies and fifhties, even the eighties with Barbra Streisand. I'll always keep my preference with the memorable acting and colourful Judy Garland's version. Unforgetable.