Unit 7 Money and shopping

Unit 7 Money and shopping

Postby Rafael » Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:29 pm

If you have a lot of money you can buy one of the most important things in our life: time.Because it isn't the same to have time without money than with it.Some millionaries are telling us how important is working hard to take money in our wallet. This is true, but they're playing a golf match or sailing a yacht race while they're philosophyng about. They've time and money, but I don't know if all ot them have been working five days a week, and eight hours each day.


I haven't often bought something on the Net. I like buying over the Net because of its comfort, although I'm thinking about its security whenever I " push the button".
The best shopping site for me is eBay. You can find there wathever you need ( books, ...), and sometimes you must fix the price by means of an auction.

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