All about job: qualities, interviews and advices

All about job: qualities, interviews and advices

Postby Maria » Tue May 01, 2007 5:04 pm


I'm quite retarded on the units so I'll write all the topics in one mail... and summarizedly.

* About qualities that impress the interviwer:
I think there are two possible answers. One that list the order of the topics such as: 1. work experience, 2. qualifications, 3. personality and 4. appearance.
However, unfortunately, there is another answer, more realistic, by the way: 1. appearance, 2. personality, 3. work experience and finally 4. qualifications.

Wich one do you think is more probably?

* My job interview experience:
Fortunately the interviews were for a not much interesting jobs, so I was'nt nervous. It was interesting to try to imagine what kind of employed they want by analising the questions and the conversation.

* Advice:
The most common sense advice that occurs me is that you should be sure that you would work in this position. First You must imagine you working there, then, go (or not) to the interview.

Well... all these I think is true if you do'nt need urgently any job, of course

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