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Other Techniques

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:09 pm
by àfrica
Palmistry deals on the analysis of the lines and mounts of the hands and their relationship to psychological and physiological types of people. Accordind to palmistry:

- If your life line is long and strong you are calm and self-confident.
- If your life line is weak and short you are probably sickly and weak.
- If the lines are very different in the two hands a person tends to be moody.

Astrology can identify some psychological characteristics according to the position of the planets on the day of your birth. According to astrology if you were born between:

- 24 July and 28 August, you are independent, active, secure, bossy, sociable, organized and very generous.
- 22 Desember and 20 January, you are probably friendly, ambitous, patient, reserved and charming too.

Graphology is a technique that analyzes writing to describe your personality and the characteristics of your character:

- An upward stroke was associated with an optimistic mentality.
- Writings confusing with caligraphy highly concentrated without spaces indicates people tend to have obsessions and fixed ideas.

Iridology is a diagnostic method based on reading the iris the signs of disorders and illnesses of the body. According to iridology:

- If the eyes are always red indicates an unhealthy state of the female organs
- The fall of the eyelashes indicates that the kidneys are bad
- Spots on the iris indicates that you have a bad nutrition
