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Modern technology

PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:45 pm
by eapc08397
1. Modern technology
I agree with the man. I think technology is very important for us, because it makes our life and our job easier. For me, there are more arguments in favour than against. We are who use it and we can put a limit.
2. Vocabulary
1. Laptop computer because you use it wherever and whenever you want.
2. Mobile phone because it's very useful.
3. Remote control because it's very convenient.
4. Alarm clock because I need it to wake up everyday.
5. Microwave oven because it's very convenient.

3. Mobile phone stories
The Most Expensive Download Of All Time

A world renowned mobile phone company recently reported charging a subscriber in excess of $66,000 for downloading three full length movies from the internet via his mobile phone.

The user was subscribed to the Vodafone “Connect 600” service, offering “unlimited downloading”, which when reading the fine print actually meant 600 megabytes every two months!

As each movie was a massive 600-700 MB, it is easy to see why the Italian gentleman ran up a bill for $66,000! He has since appealed to the consumer authorities for assistance in paying his bill, but it is not clear whether any help has been forthcoming.

The moral of this story is, read the fine print.