job applications

job applications

Postby betolaza » Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:58 pm

Are you applying for:

Temporary work – such as summer or holiday work? [ ] Y or [ ] N

Regular part-time work? [ ] Y or [ ] N

Regular full-time work? [ ] Y or [ ] N

What days and hours are you available for work?___________________________________________
If applying for temporary work, when will you be available? ___________________________________________

If hired, on what date can you start working? ___ / ___ / ___

Can you work on the weekends? [ ] Y or [ ] N

Can you work evenings? [ ] Y or [ ] N

Are you available to work overtime? [ ] Y or [ ] N

Salary desired: $________________________________

This is just a little part of the application.It's really exhaustive

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