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The Dip, what about you?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 9:32 am
by Pere Margalef
The Dip is a mitological being, a kind of evil and hairy dog-like, who is lame.
He lives to suck the blood of people and the cattle for himself. It has nocturnals habits.
This is a documented belief since the Middle Ages in Pratdip, a small village in
the Llaberia mountains in the Baix Camp county.
That is said to have disappeared in the nineteenth century.
But someone has come back to see this dog so sinister.
I'ts possible people may have seen a dog and thought it was a Dip?

Re: The Dip, what about you?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:02 pm
by Admin
Thanks for the story Pere - a blood-sucking dog, wow, that really is sinister! But I think people like mystery, that's why the belief doesn't die!
See you soon,