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Moon exploration

PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 1:15 am
by Paula G
What are the implications of the discovery of water on the Moon?

The implications could be posstive, because that means it's a oportunity for care the environment and the nature in the earth. To diminish the exploitation of the water resources. But could be negative for the moon, because the human want to take advantage.

Many cultures have stories and myths about the Moon. Can you find one that you like?

Yes, for example, cut the hair in waxing moon. Or maybe buy a plant in a specific moon and others myths.

The Apollo 11 mission was the first to put people on the Moon. What can you find out about the other missions that sent people to the Moon?

I know about moon landing is the arrival of a spacecraft on the surface of the Moon. This includes both manned and unmanned (robotic) missions.

How has information about the Moon been of use here on Earth?

Really, the minime information, because people doesn't interesed in this topic