Unit 3 dolphins

Unit 3 dolphins

Postby Mª Angeles Subias » Sun May 03, 2009 9:05 pm

Why do you think that the dolphins helped Nikki to speak? Do you have a theory about this?
.- I think the dolphins helped Nikki because they made Nikki feel very confident with them in the water, probably dolphins have an other way to communicate with children.

Do you really think the dolphins helped, or is this a case of media exaggeration?
.- Yes I really think that the dolphins helped him; There are a lot of therapies with animals to help children with problems; probably animals have a special sense to connect better, they don’t exclude people that is different

Do you know any other stories about the therapeutic effect of animals?
Yes, in general every body knows the therapeutic effect of the dogs to children with Down syndrome, or the very close relation beetwin blind people with his dog.
How do you think Nikki's mother raised the £10,500? How would you raise this amount of money? I don’t know, probably they ask their relatives, or probably ask to the government for some support.
Mª Angeles Subias

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