

Postby Miriam Navarro » Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:50 pm

Part seven
• Why do you think that the dolphins helped Nikki to speak? Do you have a theory about this?
I don’t’t know what it’s the reason. But in general, I think that animals and children have a good relationship and it’s possible they could create a strong union.
• Do you really think the dolphins helped, or is this a case of media exaggeration?
I suppose that it wasn’t thrue, media didn’t have done a lot of publicity.
• Do you know any other stories about the therapeutic effect of animals?
I have listened about horses but above all about dogs.
• How do you think Nikki's mother raised the £10,500? How would you raise this amount of money?
I suppose that if she believed in this project she did all the necessary for raising this amount of money. I had done the same in her case.
Miriam Navarro

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