• Why do you think that the dolphins helped Nikki to speak? Do you have a theory about this?
Dolphins generate ultrasonic waves that induce Nikki to make endorphins that improve neuronal connections and brain functions. Therapy with dolphins helps us with the immunology system, the motor coordination, the ability to speak, etc.
• Do you really think the dolphins helped, or is this a case of media exaggeration?
Yes, I think so. Therapy with dolphins helped Nikki to speak. This is not a case of media exaggeration. It’s possible.
• Do you know any other stories about the therapeutic effect of animals?
In general, therapy animals bring multiple advantages for children, the elderly, those suffering from AIDs or cancer, and the mentally ill. These advantages range from the physical to the emotional.
• How do you think Nikki's mother raised the £10,500? How would you raise this amount of money?
I suppose she was helped by TV programs and by advertisements on the Internet. If I were her, I would publish an advertisement on the Internet.