

Postby jcasals » Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:58 am

Why do you think that the dolphins helped Nikki to speak?
I think there was a bound between Nikki and dolphin and he was comfortable with them. By the time he thinks he must leave dolphins he reacted and speak.

Do you have a theory about this?
I think that dolphins are friendly and have a loveable attitude. Dolphins have a special way of making people feel more positive about live, so they can help people who have problems communicating or people who suffer from neurological disorders

Do you really think the dolphins helped, or is this a case of media exaggeration?
I think dolphins, as well as other animals, are capable of encouraging people who have problems communicating in order to improve lack of communication.

Do you know any other stories about the therapeutic effect of animals?
Yes I do, I have read stories where autistic children are in contact with horses and enable them to open up to upside.

How do you think Nikki’s mother raised the €10,500? How would you raise this amount of money?
Maybe she spent all her life savings. If I had to get this amount of money I could ask friends or relatives to organize the network of people who want to help out.

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