1.- I come from Catalonia and the most commeon names for women are Maria and Anna. Jordi and Josep are the most used and common names for a mans.
2.- My father comes from Castelló where my family name is very common, not in Catalonia.
3.- My family name tells where we come from.
4.- No, my name doesn’t refer to trade or professions
5.- There are a lot of foreigners that comes in Catalonia looking for a better life. Now there are common names like Mustafa and Mohamed.
6.- In my country when we meet one person for the first time we usually use the name.
7.- I only use surnames without Mr. Or Mrs in a colloquial conversation.
8.- In Catalonia there are common pet names to show affection like “Cari” and ”Pichu”.
In internet you can search a lot families with the same name: “Esteller”. My family name it ‘s very common in Castelló where my father comes from. In this area is very typical the furniture industry. In internet there are three furniture enterprises with this name.
There is one people with the same name as me. He is a teacher from the Central University of Veneçuela.