1. In Catalunya the most popular names are Montserrat and Jordi, but the most common (according to the statistic) are José and María.
2. My family name is Larios. It isn’t very common.
3. My family name tells about their origin. In Malaga there was a famous family called Larios last century. There was the Marquis of Larios also and nowadays exist a famous street in Malaga called Marqués de Larios.
4. My family name doesn’t mean anything. But in Spain and in Catalonia there are a lot of names refer to professions: Sabater, Fuster, Ferrer, Torner..
5. Due to immigration, we have a lot of people called Mohamed (from Morocco). Many people like the basque names also, like Iker or Ainoha, and they have become popular.
6. Depending on the context you can use your name or your family name. In casual meetings or situations you can use your name, but in professional situations it is used your family name.
7. In speaking language, we rarely use the title of Mr. or Ms. We only use this when we don’t know the person. It’s more common use the title of Doctor or Professor, depending on the case.
8. I only know few names for pets, like Linda (which means “pretty”) or Rex. Some of these names refer to the color (Black) or other characteristics of the animals, like “petit” (little).