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PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:29 pm
by miquelpera
Searching in the internet I've found a web when you can see how many people have your same family name. The website created by the Spanish Estadistic Institute. In the web, you can see a Spanish map and after the search you can see how many people has the same family name as you and where are these people.

I've searched for my family name 'Pera' and I've found 675 person in Barcelona (the city where I live) with the same family name as me. In Tarragona I've found 14, in Girona 75 and in Lleida 72. The main region where I've found more people is Catalonia.

I always thought my family name was no common, but I see there are a lot of people with it. I met only one person with this surname. The actor Joan Pera.

I hope to meet someone with my family name someday.