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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:41 pm
by raq.teso
I found out on the web a list of 474 things to do when you're bored mos of them very silly amd dumb..

Well, you can do....

-play online
-surf on the social networks
-criate your own blog and post things there
-clean the house, polish door handles
-go out for a walk or a jogging
-go to the gym, watch a movie
-sleep a little while
-read the news or a book
-ask a friend for a walk
-play tennis
-do yƓga
-listen to music
-write in your notebook all the things you wanted to do one day
-play with your pet
-dance with the music out loud
-discover a hobby

I also found out that hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things, being the first one the most common.

An unusual hobby is shaping trees