A personal theory about dolphins

A personal theory about dolphins

Postby blanche » Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:23 pm

In my opinion the relationship between humans and animals reveals that there are some levels of relations we can’t find among humans. I think is for that reason that animals can help humans to establish another kind of links with the environment.
When a person, kid or adult, with personality disorder, as autism or depression, is related to someone healthy, the relationship is unequal. One of them is superior to the other, both appreciate the difference: in gestures, in the conversation, then the connection is affected, becomes a hierarchical, intimidating relationship. Instead the inequality of the species keeps each one in its place, seeking only the points on connection, not divergence. I think this is the reason why the relationship between animals and humans is beneficial.
In the case of dolphins I have no doubt that also the fact that the environment is unusual and relaxing, the water, benefits the relationship.

Re: A personal theory about dolphins

Postby perezlu » Sat Jun 12, 2010 4:25 pm

In the Nikki's case, maybe media exaggerated the new according with their interest, but it`s also possible that dolphins helped the kid doing he fells confortable playing in the watter with them, so that Nikki relaxed and words flowed.
I also think than human and animals relationship could be good for overcoming some healthy problems, as for example a deep depressión. In fact many doctors recomend it instead of quimical solutions.
I can understand that Nikki's mother had spended that amount of money trying to solve her son's problem, I suposse if I had it I did the same.

Re: A personal theory about dolphins

Postby ÍNGRID CASAS » Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:46 pm

I think that dolphins and other animals can help people with this kind of disability. Unfortunately, I don’t have any specific theory about it, but I totally agree with Blanche.
On the other hand, I think that in the Nikki’s case, media exaggerates the situation, since the dolphin therapy works very fast, like magic, isn’t it?
Personally, I don’t know any story about the therapeutic effect of animals, but I heard that horses also help people with some kind of mental disability or depression.
Referring to the money that Nikki’s mother raised, I suppose that she got it thanks to people. Maybe this family had put an advertisement in somewhere to get this money.

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