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How people live

PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:09 am
by Montse
1.- Tibet:
- The typical houses in Tibet are build with wood, earth and stone.
- The houses are divided into several storeys for different functions.
- They have also a kind of movable wooden barracks. They can move this kind of houses very easily.
- There are also houses and monasteries built on elevated, sunny sites facend the south.
- The houses are built to conserve the cold temperature.

2.- Jamaica:
- The typical houses in Jamaica are made of steel, and building blocks. This blocks are a mixture of sand and cement.
- Many houses are made of wood in the interior
- Houses are built to withstand hurricanes
- Many houses don’t have running water
- There a lot of flats with balconies

3.- Australia:
- This type of contruction is typical in arid climates.
- To build houses out of mud is very cheap. And you can recicled all the materials.
- Everybody can have a houses build out of mud.
- The houses build out of mud are perfect to conserve heat
- Mud houses are resistain to rain.

4.- Redcliffe:
- Redcliffe is a Peninsula of Australia
- The city of Redcliffe has a population of 50.000 people
- This is a very nice and turistic city near the sea.
- You can do all kind of aquatic activities
- You have to pay 5 € if you want to visit the city of Redcliffe

5.- Caves:
- There are 20 million of chinese still live in caves. And this caves passed down for generations
- Some caves were used as hospitals for people with illnesses.
- In Granada there are many people living in caves. There are also caves for flamenco shows, restaurants and luxurious cave hotels.
- The caves are warm in winter, cool in summer and noise proof.