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Environmental issues

PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:50 pm
by Gemma
Energy is the ability to do work. While energy surrounds us in all aspects of life, the ability to harness it and use it for constructive ends as enconomically as possible is the challenge before mankind. Alternative energy refers to energy sources which are not based on the burning of fossil fuels or the splitting of atoms. The renewed interest in this field of study comes from the undesirable effects of pollution (as witnessed today) both from burning fossil fuels and from nuclear waste byproducts. Fortunately there are many means of harnessing energy which have less damaging impacts on our environment. Here are some possible alternatives:
• Solar
• Wind Power
• Geothermal
• Tides
• Hydroelectric
• reference page

Alternative energy refers to energy sources which are not based on the burning of fossil fuels or the splitting of atoms. The renewed interest in this field of study comes from the undesirable effects of pollution (as witnessed today) both from burning fossil fuels and from nuclear waste byproducts. Fortunately there are many means of harnessing energy which have less damaging impacts on our environment. Here are some possible alternatives:
• Solar
• Wind Power
• Geothermal
• Tides
• Hydroelectric
• reference page

Recycling saves energy primarily because it reduces the need to extract and refine natural resources. For many materials, the energy to recycle is less than the energy needed to make it from scratch, even after factoring the energy involved in collecting and sorting recyclables.

Greenpeace has sent a message from the hart of the Mayan ruins in Cancun.
As governments begin another round of international climate change negotiations today, this time in Cancun, Mexico, we could all do with a lesson from the history of the indigenous Mayan people.
Other enviromental organisations are:
• African Wild Dog Conservancy
• Antinea Foundation
• A Rocha
• Biofuelwatch
• Biosphere Expeditions
• BirdLife International
• Center for International Environmental Law
• Confederation of European Environmental Engineering Societies
• Conservation Foundation
• Conservation International [1]
• Conservation Law Foundation
• Earth Charter Initiative