

Postby lisova » Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:13 pm

My first name is Kamila-written with K at the beginnig,which is not very common name in the Czech Republic.Man´s form for this name is Kamil.It is an easy way how to form the girl´s name from the boy´s just by adding A at the end of the name.for example Petr-Petra,Jan-Jana etc.
There is also a different between woman´s and man´s surname.Most of the Czech women´s surname end with -OVÁ.So you can easily rocognize if you are speaking to a woman or not.for example Lis-Lisová

The Czech language makes strictly difference between using one´s Christian´s name and calling a person Mr./Mrs.If you meet a person for the first time,you should use the title pán/paní in front of his surname otherwise it would be very impolite.Doesn´t matter on the circumstances.

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