The most common names in my country are, Garcia, Fernández, Sánchez, Rodriguez, Martínez and so on.
My family name is Gallardo. Gallardo in the list of common name in my country is in the 181 place. Is very common in Málaga, but also in Barcelona, Madrid, Albacete, and also in South America, in Argentina.
The origin of my name seems to be French, but I have found some genealogist who said is German and Irish. The meaning of my family name is “brave”, but I found out that in a city of Guadalajara, Machamalo, the people who has born there are named Gallardo, and also ther are a car with my name, the Lamborghini Gallardo, a very expensive one.
The most common names refers to trades or professions in my country are: carnicero, panadero, zapatero, Ballesteros,fuster etc
In my country when we meet someone for the first time, we used to called they for their first name, but sometimes when in the same place there are two people with the same name, then we used to called them for his first name and surname. We used to use surnames without a title in the informal situations, but in the formal ones ( Sr- Mr, Sra-Miss, Srta)
The common pet names that show affection in my country there are not common, but we have for example: dolça ( sweet).