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Unit 3 Chat

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:16 pm
by Xiana
I don’t know exactly why dolphins can help someone to speak. People say that they are intelligent and they have a special sense. Actually I also read that the US and URSS army used them for military objectives. The Greek mythology defends that dolphins were humans before. I think they can help, I mean, I don’t think it is an exaggeration. Army needs the intelligence than they can find in themselves.

Many people consider that pets, like cats but specially dogs, have some kind of therapy over their owners. But I didn’t hear about other therapies with not common animals, like dolphins.

I suppose that Nikki’s parents raised the money to travel to Miami through mass media. I mean they could explain Nikki’s case on the TV, Magazines or Radio, and ask people to donate some money for the cause.