Unit 5_chat_misunderstandings

Unit 5_chat_misunderstandings

Postby Xiana » Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:02 am

Yes, I think what happened to Ms Tsuchida can be possible. I mean. Maybe she was really tired and exhausted and in these occasions you can loss the sense of time. So, maybe she really thought that she was in Turkey. Why not?

Once I had a misunderstanding that made me sweat for a while. I was doing a course in Florence. The course was in English and we were 20 participants around a big table. The speaker was a man from Brussels and he came to speak about immigration policies in Europe. So, he began to say many and many times “European Union” and any time I understood “Your Opinion”. I thought that in any moment he will ask us our opinion about the issue. And I was really scared because in that moment my English was so bad and it would be very difficult for me to talk about my opinion in English!!

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