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Traditional Art

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:19 am
by Rafael
The Indigenous cultures of Australia are the oldest living cultural history in the world. They go back at least 50000 years.
The first recors of European mariners sailing into Australian waters occurs around 1606. But was in 1770 when James Cook charted the Australian east coast and claimed it a Possesion island, under instruction of the king of England. He named it New South Wales.
Initially, relations between the European explorers and the Australian aboriginals were generally hospitable. These relations became hostile later by the on-going presence of the colonisers.
The digderidoo is a long, slightly conical wooden instrument, used traditionally by the Aboriginal people of Northern Australia.
There are some webs about Catalan traditional art, but less than artistic such as Gaudi, Romanic art, Dali,...