1. Do you give money to aid organisations? Why? / Why not?
Not really, but I try help people who need it. For example, I like to give food to people who don't have it. I think there are organizations that don't really help the people who need it.
2. Which organisations do you think it is important to give money to? Why?
I think that the organizations tha help the childrens are very important because I consider tan the childrens are the future of our society, they always deserve a home and love.
3. Do you know of any famous people who do work for aid organisations? What organisations do they work for? What do they do?
I'm not sure but I think that Shakira has a organizations for the childrens on the atlantic coast, exactly in Barranquilla-Colombia. By means of this one it helps to study and to progestar the children of scarce resources.