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Unit 2 - part 11 (2)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 6:35 pm
by Agustina Etchissure
My name's Pepe and I live in Argentina. My wife's name is Moni and my neighbors are Maria and Dardo. My son's name is Alfio and my daughter's name is Paola. I work as an employee in a commercial shoe store and Moni is a housewife. We are a very problematic family.

Re: Unit 2 - part 11 (2)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:39 pm
by Guest
My name's Morty and I live in DimensiĆ³n C-137. My mother's name is Beth and my father's name is Jerry . Jerry works as advertising agent. I have one sisters. Her name is Summer. Summer is 17 years old.

Re: Unit 2 - part 11 (2)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:15 pm
by rodolfo.cocaro
My name is Sheldon and I live in California. My mother`s name is Mary,She is a very religuios women, and my father is dead, Your name was Geroge.
I have a sister and a brother, Their name are Missy and Geroge Jr.
I live with my best friend Leonard and your girlfriend (Penny)...
I work in a Univieristy of Pasadenna I am a physic.


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