Western Africa by bus: not recommended

Western Africa by bus: not recommended

Postby emaluquer » Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:33 pm

I love travelling abroad, but I absolutely don't recommend anybody to buy a trip package to cross Western Africa by bus. I say this because I did it many years ago and was a very frustrating experience. First because you see nothing but your fellows inside the bus. The most frequent contact you have with African population is with the police that stops you at any time with any excuse just to get some money from the guide. We slept in many different places: mostly outside the bus, inside or outside a tent, with no comfort at all. Even when it's very hot you cannot swim in the rivers or the beautiful ponds you find in the way, without risking to get the bilarzia (a very dangerous snail that is a human parasite). Finally, you depend on the guide, and if you aren't lucky with him or her, which was our case, then you're lost!!

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