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Four questions about sleeping habits

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:35 am
by lluisteixido
1. Have you ever dozed off during an important meeting?

2. How often do you have a nightcap to help you sleep?

3. Do you snore?

4. Do you sleep like a log or any sound wakes you up?

My answers:

1. Well, I never dozed off but the truth is that I almost did in a meeting. I was dozing, and I can’t believe nobody realized. The worst part is that, just when I was about to close my eyes, one direct question was made to me. I can’t remember now what was it about, and I know I answered, but I wouldn’t say my answer had any sense at all. At least I still have my job

2. I never heard of nightcaps until now, in this course of English. I think alcohol would do things worse to me. Then I couldn’t sleep and I’d have a headache. I remember one or two times taking one sleeping pill to help me sleep, but I soon forgot about it as a solution, because I wasn’t able to think or work the next day.

3. I will answer with the standard: not that I know of. I’ve been told that I “breath heavily”. I live in denial so I take that as “you don’t snore”

4. Any sound wakes me up. Luckily I found a miraculous (to me) solution: ear plugs. Ever since I discovered them I can sleep all night long.

Re: Four questions about sleeping habits

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:26 pm
by Admin
Hi Lluis,

I haven't dozed off in an important meeting but did you see Berlusconi during the Champions league final? ha ha ha

Nightcaps ... never, they keep me awake!

Apparently I talk ... have great conversations which I can't remember in the morning! Am a bit worried about what I say but never remember unless I wake myself up in the middle of a conversation. Does anyone else talk in their sleep?

And yes, I sleep like a log ... it's a gift I have. I know I am very very lucky!

Re: Four questions about sleeping habits

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:49 am
by lluisteixido
You're right about Berlusconi. At least in my meeting, there weren't any cameras broadcasting worldwide at all :) But I'm affraid he isn't embarrased. You just have to look at his behaviour with Merkel, with private parties, with women, etc..etc..

And be careful with sleep talking! You never know what you're going to say next and who is listening to... :)