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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 9:44 am
by viviencmlee
Examples of advice on marriage and relationships.

1. Don’t take each other for granted

Take the time and make the effort to be kind, thoughtful, appreciative, respectful, supportive and affirming towards your spouse. Not taking your spouse for granted means going beyond remembering your anniversary and your spouse’s birthday. Not taking for granted for your spouse means being tuned in to how your spouse feels and what your spouse thinks. Not taking your spouse for granted means you listen, you don’t interrupt and you show and tell your spouse of your love.

2.Agree to do your chores around your home

If you want peace, harmony and a clean, organized home, then the two of you need to work together to insure that household tasks such as keeping financial records, maintenance, shopping, yard work, planning, cleaning, cooking, child care, transportation etc are shared with each other.