Dreams interpretation

Dreams interpretation

Postby emaluquer » Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:50 am

When I was a child I had a recurring dream. It started with the elevation of my bed, the ceiling of the room opened to let me and my bed fly in the sky, suddenly the bed began to fall into pieces slowly but sistematically until there was only the mattress and me, when the mattress felt, I felt down too slowly as Alice in Wonderland falls down the burrow. Until this moment I wasn't scared, just a bit worried about my bed, but while I was falling down it turned my stomach.
Searching the Internet I learnt that dreams related to fall mean different things depending on your feelings. If you're frightened, it means that you're insecure and that you lack of support in your waking life, a lack of control of your situation. I think this might be possibly my situation as a child, depending on the adults. But if in your dream you're not frightened, it means just the opposite, that's to say: that you're ovecoming your adversities with ease. In my case it was also true.
Now I would like to learn more about this dream, for instance what does it means a bed flying, like some little Nemo's?

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