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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:40 am
by Jonathonehr
Compare Canada together with other key nations

COVID 19 already ranks among the worst pandemics in modern history, With millions dead and poisonous more infected. It has also precipitated remarkable achievements in science and medicine, And the actual biggest global vaccination campaign in history. all the same, A significant portion of the world remains unvaccinated and many experts believe the pandemic will eventually be endemic in many parts of the world. from the beginning, Countries responded differently in, Quite significantly and each new wave brought new variables and shifting strategies that altered outcomes in bad and the good ways.

Explore how countries throughout the globe have fared throughout the pandemic by case number, death, Per capita, In raw volume, and better. Scroll a little further down for more fun features.

The COVID 19 pandemic is arguably the most huge and devastating global event since the Second World War, Impacting immeasureable people across at least 185 countries. The astonishing speed with which vaccines were developed and approved offered hope that an end to the pandemic was in sight, But the rise and spread of a number of variants in combination with other factors belied those hopes.

The WHO was informed of countless unusual cases of pneumonia in Wuhan on Dec. 31, 2019 and began requesting advice from China on the cases. The company sent a tweet on Jan. 4 and issued an announcement on Jan. 5, 2020 regarding 44 cases of pneumonia with an unknown cause in China. By january. 30, The global marketplace health agency declared the outbreak a "Public health event of you can also use concern, Amid 18 countries reporting a combined total of 83 cases, With seven involving no travel history to China and three countries reporting human to human indication. according to a WHO spokeswoman, This fact was meant to prevent a pandemic from happening. The WHO advised all countries to organize containment, making use of early detection, remote location, Contact tracing and to share their data along with your WHO, But did not make recommendations on travel or trade restrictions at the time.

The novel coronavirus 2019 nCoV was technically named COVID 19 on Feb. 11 as the WHO warned against actions that promoted stigma or splendour. By feb. 21, The health agency was warning the you can also use community that the window to contain the COVID 19 outbreak was narrowing, But did not that used to be start calling it a global pandemic until March 11, 2020.

Six months after the assertion, Data compiled by the AFP news agency found that roughly half of the population some 3.9 billion had savvy some level of lockdown measure. At the state pandemic half year point, There were nearly 30 million reported cases all over, and more than 910,000 suffered deaths.

Following a drop in cases in many parts of all over the world the summer in 2020, A number of regions began dealing with second and third waves that were dramatically worse than the first. The 2020 to 2021 winter was chiefly devastating, With worldwide cases roughly tripling between the start of October 2020 and the beginning of February 2021 alone. Infections peaked in spring 2021 and then again in late summer, Driven primarily by the spread of variants of concern that appear a lot more transmissible, also with pandemic fatigue.

the rare grim overall picture, Some parts of the planet managed to keep the virus at bay for months at a time through aggressive and strict border and containment policies. This resulted in extremely low to zero infections allowing most people to lead normal or nearly normal lives with few restrictions. But even the most powerful places could not keep COVID 19 away forever, Especially when the more easily transmissible Delta variant began making its way all over the world.

Even with COVID 19's unrelenting endurance and the devastating impact of variants, 2021 was also covered with the arrival [-censured-=][/-censured-] of vaccines and the hope it brought for potentially ending the global pandemic. A slow and inequitable roll rid of vaccines, about the other hand, Meant thriving, Western countries were vaccinated totally sooner and faster, Leaving some parts of the world, especially developing countries, Completely credit card.

that's what is vaccines, Public health policies continued to play a decisive role in curbing the virus' spread. Regions with vaccine access but low vaccination rates or few public health limits in place were still generally hit harder by COVID 19. In deaths, Hitting a grim milestone of more than 600,000 dead by fit 2021. In Brazil's first four months coming from the pandemic alone, Confirmed cases surpass one million, With almost 49,000 guys and women dying. By trip 2020, Cases were soaring by roughly million a month; The rate doubled to about two million new infections a month for a while in the first half of 2021, Driven mainly by the P.1 or Gamma variant.

Scientists were alarmed by the variant in part because it triggered an outbreak in Manaus even more deadly than the city's first demoralizing outbreak a year earlier. The out of hand spring 2020 outbreak in the city of 2.2 million eventually infected some 76 per cent of the people. But a study in January 2021 found the Gamma variant was distinguished in 42 per cent of the samples sequenced from late December raising doubts about natural herd immunity.

Soaring cases drove its heath care treatment system to a "draining point, With one medical expert refined it as a "inbreed Fukushima" that can Reuters. At its toughest point, Daily new bacterial contamination peaked at more than 100,000 and deaths peaked at more than 4,200 within a day.

via pandemic, Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro emphasized keeping the country's economy running most of all and opposed not only lockdown measures but also mask wearing. During one of its worst times, Health care experts described the truth as a "disaster, Bolsonaro and his allies described it as not "All that critical" in addition,yet "Quite comfortable" Compared to other countries. The country finally turned the corner in late June 2021 as vaccinations climbed.

As Canada entered 2022, It brought with it soaring case counts on account of the Omicron variant. December saw the country's seven day average reach records unseen in the two year long pandemic, And Canada's chief public health policeman Dr. Theresa Tam pointed out Omicron has "effortlessly" Been displacing Delta as the prominent variant. It resulted in new limitations in several provinces, Impacted the return to school after the break break and businesses were forced to drastically reduce capacity or close entirely once again.

ahead Omicron, Canada's fourth wave was its worst with multiplication of Delta, Which peaked in january 2021 and again in mid April 2021, When it recorded more than a million cases a little more than a year after the WHO formally declared a pandemic. Canada also overtaken 25,000 useless by mid May, 2021.

But it was the actual pandemic's first wave when long term care homes, specially in Ontario and Quebec, Were ill cooked properly and disproportionately hit. More than 80 per cent of the total deaths were attributable to outbreaks at hundreds of these facilities during the first wave.

in the early stages, a combination of lax border screening, Poor management at long term care households, together with other missteps hampered containment efforts. For quite a long time, The messaging in Canada could be that the novel coronavirus outbreak risk for Canadians was low. Public health officers were guided by advice from the WHO, Which had initially discouraged travel limitations, Border closures and the dressing in of masks, Positions that were later criticized and reversed as the spread became ever more dire in many countries.

The first case in Canada was established on Jan. 25, 2020 in a patient revisiting from Wuhan, singapore, While the first case of community transmission was confirmed in early March. Repatriation efforts for Canadians in China began in late January to early February amid frustration among expats over the lack of communication and help for citizens abroad. Provinces and territories enacted states of emergencies across Canada and various regions implementing various levels of restrictions on public gathering sizes when the global pandemic was formally declared in mid March. Schools closed in the uk, coupled with daycares, And non essential suppliers.

As the tally of cases grew in the us, It became increasingly clear many of the cases were linked to the particular. the degree of movement between the two countries made containment impossible without drastic measures. The Quarantine Act seemed to be invoked on March 25, With all in bound travellers needs to self isolate for two weeks.

plenty of jurisdictions, Like Atlantic Canada and the territories, Managed to keep cases relatively low through strict regional public health and travel protocols. But outbreaks in places like Nunavut which had managed to evade infections for most of 2020 illustrate how quickly circumstances can change resulting from a single case.

The country ranks among the top 15 in terms of total number of instances and deaths, But falls well below prime 50 on a per capita scale. For much of the pandemic, It has followed a similar wave pattern as Canada for malware on a per capita basis.

It received attention early in the pandemic due to its dramatically lower mortality rate compared to other the european union at the time. This was attributed in part to Germany's more achieable testing rate, its ability to ramp testing up more quickly and earlier than many of its EU counterparts, proudly owning more ICU beds, And younger people being contaminated. All that changed during the second wave that hit countries in europe in the fall and stretched through the winter. The German government imposed a hard lockdown in mid December 2020 that was extended more than once. At its worst peak in the month of january 2021, a great deal more 1,700 deaths were recorded within a day, With extended care homes hit hardest. normal, Cases leaped from about 300,000 in october 2020 to 4.3 million a year afterwards, While deaths got from about 9,600 to more than 94,000 over the equivalent one year period.

Early inside pandemic, the government considered the new disease a "really low threat" And far more secure than SARS, Making travel warnings unwarranted. But things shifted quickly after the first case was approved near the end of January, along with Lufthansa, Germany's flagship airline, Suspending all routes to China. Face masks quickly sold out to be able to media reports, Schools and public spaces began closing in some patches of Germany by late February, And tougher screening measures and contact tracing protocols were in place by the end of that month for both inbound land and air backpackers. In the days to come the pandemic declaration, Parts of Germany launched drive through COVID 19 testing and a national curfew was enacted on March 22, Which allowed people to leave their home only for essential purposes like work and groceries.

Despite its early success, The Alpha variant, Previously called the B.1.1.7 plan, Spreadrapidly, gaining the second and third waves, as you move Delta variant fueled the fourth wave. Like the us, A slow vaccine rollout originally hampered early efforts to mitigate the pandemic. using more than 65 per cent of the population fully vaccinated by fall 2021, Parts of Germany began easing much of the rest of the public health measures and large public venues began accommodating full seating capacity for those who had been tested, Vaccinated, Or reinstituted from COVID 19.

During India's second wave at a virtual event of the world Economic Forum at Davos in late January 2021, India's pm, Narendra Modi, stated that India "Saved humanity from a big disaster by containing corona appropriately.