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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2019 3:34 pm
by lorenzo
When i read the word entrepreneur i mostly think about two kind of people: the humble genius with an uncommon will to succeed and the the pityless outlaw industrial .
We can identificate these two example in two figure of the past: thomas edison and nikola tesla.
Edison althoug he being a great scientist and a formidable inventor was also known for his capacity in making money also stealing new ideas to other pleople, becaming during his life, one of the richest man of his time. His main effort infact, was not the discover of new technologies but how to make money with them and he was a genieus in that.
The second man i was referring to was a pure genius who's lonely intent was to discover and make new tecnologies availeble to human kind. money was not important for Tesla infact he ended his life in poverty and unknown to most. Only after a centuty he was given the importance and glory of the great scientist as he was.

Re: entrepreneur

PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 9:42 pm
by Isabel
Yes, the humble entrepreneur is often invisible. These entrepreneurs usually work to improve other people's lives, coming often from poor origins and having to fight and work very hard to make their dreams happen.

Malala, for example, having lived her yound life in *censured* or gender discrimination worked very hard to transmit her ideas and to bring education to other girls and women, to the point of being shot due to her success.