

Postby Ancor Jiménez » Wed May 09, 2018 7:54 am

he Tlingit language is spoken by the Tlingit people of Southeast Alaska and Western Canada.It is a branch of the Na-Dené language family. It is well known not only for its complex grammar and sound system, but also for using certain phonemes unheard in almost any other language. Tlingit has an estimated 200-400 native speakers in the United States and 100 speakers in Canada. The speakers are bilingual or near-bilingual in English. Extensive effort is being put into revitalization programs in Southeast Alaska to revive and preserve the Tlingit language and its culture. Sealaska Heritage Institute, Goldbelt Heritage Institute and the University of Alaska Southeast have Tlingit language programs, and community classes are held in Klukwan and Angoon.
Ancor Jiménez

Re: Tlingit

Postby Jaime » Tue Apr 23, 2019 11:28 pm

My answers:
1. In my opinion it is important to keep the ancestral languages, which are an important part of the culture of the country, because they allow us to know many things about our ancestors

2. In my country Colombia there are some ancestral languages for example: Wayuu, Chibcha, Quechua, all these are spoken in indigenous communities, and are protected by the government, because they are part of the intangible Heritage of the country.

Thanks for your attention!!

Re: Tlingit

Postby Jaime » Thu Apr 25, 2019 12:07 pm

My questions:
a. Ayapaneco is a mexican language.
b. This language is spoken for fifty persons, all are old.
c. Daniel Suslak is preparing the first dictionary of Ayapaneco.
d. Ayapa has a population of 50.000 inhabitants.
e. The most famous holiday of Ayapa is the day of work (may 1).

Answers: 1.T 2-T 3.T 4.F 5.F

In my country Colombia, the Tinigua language is in danger of extinction, there are only two persons that spoken it, in Meta department, this language has six vowels ans twenty-two consonants. The culture ministry is working in keep this tradition.

Thanks for your attention!!

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