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1. Ayapaneco and the village of Ayapa.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:15 am
by Maarit
True / False

1. Ayapaneco is also known as Ayapa Zoque, Tabasco Zoque and Zoque-Ayapaneco ans so it one of several Zoque languages and dialects.
2. Ayapa, a village, situates 10 km from the east of Comalcaco, in the state of Tabasco.
3. A couple of relatives of Segovia try to study Ayapaneco language.
4. Mexican film makers plan to make a documentary entitled "Lengua Muerta" (Dead Language) starring the last two native speakers.
Language is an essential part of culture, and every time a native language is lost, a country`s rich cultural tapestry loses a few more strands.

Best regards Maarit

Re: 1. Ayapaneco and the village of Ayapa.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:56 am
by Admin

Ayapaneco and the village of Ayapa.

PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 12:43 pm
by Anna
1. A Mexican documentary has revealed that the Ayapaneco case is a fraud, which was spread by BBC in London in 2007. Anyway it hasn’t obtained the wished results.
2. There is a film based on this story.
3. There is a commercial about chocolate bars helping Manuel and Isidro to reconcile.
4. Vodafone has financed the school where Manuel Segovia and Isidro Velázquez teach Ayapaneco.
5. Manuel and Isidro call it Nnumte Oote, but another name for Ayapaneco is “Ayapaneco Gulf Zoquean,
6. Ayapaneco never had more than 500 or so speakers
7. One of the reasons of Ayapaneco's disappearing was the discovery of vast amounts of oil beneath the surface of Ayapa in the 1970s, which made people move there and transformed the local economy.
8. Ayapaneco has some words in common with Spanish