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Space exploration

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:44 pm
by Ana
I think that space exploration is not relevant for us because in our normal life it is not something important and necessary for us. Are you with me?
Another point is what can we do and how can we manage if we discover inhabitants for other planets? How can we comunicate with it?

Re: Space exploration

PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2019 9:06 pm
by Jaime

My answers:
1. In my opinion, it is important to explore space, because it allows us to acquire new knowledge about life, and new opportunities for human beings on other planets, however it is expensive and few countries can develop this type of science, by tourism, is Wasting money, on earth there are many places to visit.

2. In my childhood I remember ET, a film about a tender and friendly alien, with humans, was famous in the years 80, and exhibited on the five continents.

Thanks for your attentiion!!

Re: Space exploration

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2019 3:56 pm
by Jaime
My questions:
1. Kepler was forward in 2009.
2. Kepler is propierty of NASA.
3. Kepler was forward is Cabo CaƱaveral.
4. Kepler worked until 2010.
5. Kepler had a weight of 2000 kg.


1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F

Thanks for your attention!!

Re: Space exploration

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2019 7:28 am
by Admin
Jaime wrote:
> Hello!!
> My answers:
> 1. In my opinion, it is important to explore space, because it allows us to
> acquire new knowledge about life, and new opportunities for human beings on
> other planets, however it is expensive and few countries can develop this
> type of science, by tourism, is Wasting money, on earth there are many
> places to visit.
> 2. In my childhood I remember ET, a film about a tender and friendly alien,
> with humans, was famous in the years 80, and exhibited on the five
> continents.
Thanks for writing Jaime. I agree, the tourism aspect is just ridiculous - exclusive holidays for billionaires is not a priority. Anyway, we have enough problems caused by tourisms as it is! :)
Two things:
and exhibited on the five continents= A movie is shown, not exhibited. So: it was shown all over the world.
by tourism, is Wasting money,= This is not complete. You can say: As for developing space tourism, it's a big waste of money.
See you,

Re: Space exploration

PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2019 9:58 pm
by Jaime
Ok Pieter thanks for your advices