London it is one of the most lovely country in Europe, if you want to go there next January after christmas to be calm, it's the moment to take this adress and go to find out good hotel like a Beverley city it is near of the center town in order to go visit Buckingham Palace the tower of London, Science museum and candem town where yo u can listen to modern music in everywhere specially in the pub and the price is 890€ all the week. If you want to visit the more you can hire a car for the weekend (from 4 to 5) by 76 € it will be able to visit more monouments and local city. Yo have to leave the car in the same place where you have it hired. And finally if you love eat a Japanese food near to the Queen Vicroria Street you can find "Restaurant City Miyama" where fresh marinate fish is served in a lovely place, the Japanese music is playing in background and the price is just balanced.
When you come back, please give me some advice about your trip.