Important qualities-Job interviews&advice

Important qualities-Job interviews&advice

Postby cgarciala » Mon May 18, 2009 8:22 am

1. Important qualities.
I think that a good work experience and a fine personality will impress so much an interviewer because in this moment in Spain you have to have a good experience in some enterprises to show them your good qualification for this kind of job. And in the interview it’s very important show a good personality that it’ help you in your job but not an extreme personality that difficult your relation in a company or with the costumers.

2. Job interviews.
I’ve been interviewed for a job 2 years ago (the last) and it’s was good because I wasn’t nervous, I was prepared it before did it with a list of a questions, about the enterprise, the job, the team, etc…and I remembered all my studies, my professional experience, and what kind of attitude I had to have in this interview. The previous experience in interviews was very good for made me an idea and a mental preparation.

3. Job advice.
My advice will be: You must be prepared for the interview with a well presented curriculum, a good appearance, with a list of questions that you want to ask them (about the job, the company, the team, etc.), you have to have a good attitude and a positive mentality for this job.

And you haven’t to mist the hope to obtain a good job.

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