Kumiko Tsuchida and Misunderstandings

Kumiko Tsuchida and Misunderstandings

Postby Sonia Mtnez » Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:14 pm

I believe the story of Kumiko Tsuchida because it is possible that she didn’t prepare her holidays well. Sometimes we have little time for preparing our trips. It could be useful guides or the internet but if we have badly in Geography these things could happen.
I worked for an emergency service and someday I had to answer an English call. I understood that a dog was trapped among the bars of a balcony, and then I called to the firemen in order to rescue the animal. After half an hour more or less we had a call from the firemen explained us that they had rescued successfully the DOVE. It was very embarrassing for me.
Sonia Mtnez

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