Postby anastasia » Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:26 pm

I think that Betty Ross was a normal separated woman who was making her ordinary life, when suddenly she was involved in a banned activity without her knowledge. So that the villains kidnapped her to prevent she could speak. But she got dead and they buried her body so that no person knows what has happened to Betty.
Many years ago, in my country, Spain, there were a TV program called Who knows where she/he is?
People explained different cases of people who had disappeared some time before, even many years before, and they didn’t have any news about her loving people. They put their photographs so that people was able to recognize some of the missing people.
There were some successful cases where people met them, other times people said they didn’t want to be traced, and some others there were no notice about the person.
It was very emotive when people rediscovered, sometimes they speak by phone other times, they met at the TV studio, but the spectators were witnesses of that.

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