Common names in my country

Common names in my country

Postby Ester O » Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:50 pm

Hi everyone!

My name is Ester and this is my first post here. Is to answer the questions about names as you can see in the subject.
I was born in Barcelona and common names here are Montserrat, Jordi, Elisenda, Arnau and many more. There are catalan names.
My family name is not common but I think it could com from someone who, in the very beginning past, owned a big quantity of olive trees, but I don't know for sure.
As you ask in the unit one, here in Catalunya, there are names which refers to professions as "Fuster, Sabater, Ferrer, and so on, and there also are popular names from other countries as Pérez, Martínez, Díaz..., and when we meet someone for the firts time, we usually use name ans surname, both toguether, specially if it is a job or work relationship.
Same happens with the titles before the surnames. Nowadays if it's not necessery, we don't use the title, except when you know someone at work for the first time; then we often use Sr. or Sra. I like it much more with no title since I realise some king of more confidence.
For our pets we use to use names thet usually means caracteristics of human personality at the same time that kindly names

Best whishes for everyone,
Ester O

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