• Should doping in sport be legalised?
No, of course. For two reasons: firstly, sport people have a life after competitions and the side effects can damage their health when they leave to be young. And secondly, all sport marks and records can be achieved by natural ways.
• Will it ever be possible to stop athletes breaking the rules to win?
No, but it could be possible for people to become less hypocrite. Sports are an entertainment ruled by money, including “amateur sport”. If you, your trainer or your team depends on a sponsor, or a contract, or publicity, you have a strong reason to win whatever you have to do. It must avoid that sport people think “Who doesn’t take drugs doesn’t win, and everybody does it”.
• Are athletes who take drugs cheats or are they victims?
Well, I think they are nuts, and guilty everyway you can consider them. Because they don’t take drugs once: often doping is a real middle-term treatment under medical guide. More, they try to hide it, so they realize that what they are doing is unfair.