Why do you think?

Why do you think?

Postby Irene » Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:37 am

Why do you think?

. Why do you think that the dolphins helped Kikki to speak? Do you have a theory about this?

I think that the boy felt very excited with the animals and he wanted to spend more time with them. That motives him to say his first word.

. Do you really thing the dolphins helped, or is this a case of media exaggeration?

I really thing the dolphins helped, and not only dolphins. It is known that the animal therapies like dolphins or horses, help people with psychic illness.

Do you know any others stories about the therapeutic effects of animals?

I know cases of people with Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy that horse therapies have helped them.

How do you think Nikki’s mother raised the 10.000?

I suppose she did a call to people who wanted to help his son.

How would you raise this amount of money?

I try to contact to a newspapers to convince to publish my son’s problem and also with a TV channel. I try to arrive to the good felling of people to help us.

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