Net addiction

Net addiction

Postby » Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:56 pm

Hello classmates,

I would like to answer the questions about:

Do you think that Net addiction is exaggerated? Is it another case of media hype?

I think that Net addiction is not exaggerated, some people will spend hours at a time on the Net every day of the week.

3. Do we really live in an age of addiction? Can you think of any other so-called addictions that may be an invention of the media?
I think that we really live in an age of addiction, in general we have enough time to waste on the Net or watching TV

4. Do you use a computer regularly? What do you use it for? Could you live without it? Why/Why not?
I use regularly a computer to work, and also I use it to learn English, to find information about places, fligths, etc. I think that use internet is very useful, but I could live without it, and sometimes I need to log out during several days.

Re: Net addiction

Postby esherm » Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:31 am

What can you find out about Net addiction? You can find on the Net a lot of information about Net addiction
What support groups are there for Net addicts? I searched in the Net and I found several webpages of help for Net addicts.
What is the most interesting/useless/unusual advice on offer? I found a lot of advice of experts, an own self help manuals, groups of therapy, number of help telephones, advice on net, etc.
What other kinds of addictions are catered for on the Internet? Internet addiction covers a variety of impulse-control problems, including: Cybersex Addiction, Cyber-Relationship Addiction, Net Compulsions, Information Overload, and Computer Addiction. The most common of these Internet addictions are cybersex, online gambling, and cyber-relationship addiction.
What causes these addictions, according to the experts? Many people turn to the Internet in order to manage unpleasant feelings such as stress, loneliness, depression and anxiety.
Do the experts consider these addictions to be diseases, crimes or personal weaknesses? Experts, in general, consider these addictions as a problem of Mental and emotional health

Re: Net addiction

Postby Oriol » Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:08 am


I've tried to respond the next questions:

What would you advise Roger Ridgway to do?
He should kick the habit because I think he's addicted to Internet. He should finish his studies and get a job, because when he work he won't have much time to log on Internet.

Do you think that Net addiction is exaggerated? Is it another case of media hype?
I think it's not exaggerated. Internet is a fantastic invention but it should be used sparingly, so it's important set a time limit and do more "offline" activities.

Do we really live in an age of addiction? Can you think of any other so-called addictions that may be an invention of the media?
Nowadays a lot of people are addicted to messaging applications. For example, If you take the subway or train you can see that at last half of people are using their smart phones to write messages or searching information in Internet. Moreover, a lot of people use their smart phones in the restaurants or in the office.

Do you use a computer regularly? What do you use it for? Could you live without it? Why/Why not?
I use computer every day, for working and leisure. I could live without it but It would be very difficult for me because it allows you to do many things from home.

See you!

Re: Net addiction

Postby Admin » Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:26 am

Hi Oriol, and also you see people crashing into things in the street, because they are looking at their phones and not at their surroundings! It's a dangerous addiction :)
See you,
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